Membership Application
The City of Newcastle Drama Association (CONDA) welcomes membership applications from anyone working in or supportive of the Newcastle theatre industry.
CONDA is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1984. To become a voting member, you must be 18 years or older and your application will need to be approved by the CONDA Committee. No application will be considered until the application fee is paid.
Junior members (under the age of 18) are welcome but they cannot vote at CONDA meetings.
Membership is $25 per annum and can be paid via the eWay credit/debit card payment on this online form.
Personal Details
Membership Details
By checking this box, I hereby apply to become a member of CONDA Incorporated. If my application is accepted, I agree to be bound by the rules of the association.Yes No
From time-to-time, CONDA may ask for help with major events, such as StageCon or the CONDA awards. Are you happy to be contacted to see if you’re available to assist (no obligation to do so)?
Yes No